Saturday, November 6, 2010

How It All Started

A few years ago, our family had the invitation to travel half way around the world to visit our grandparents. It was a big, expensive vacation and we decided to work together to earn the money we would need. Ready Race Party was one result of our brainstorms and has been an adventure and a great experience ever since. We all worked together to design, build, and decorate racetracks, make mats and clean Legos. We built systems, took a class to learn to build websites and spent hours and hours and hours on all of it. Our first party was a Lego Derby in our own CubScout Troop. It was a hit! Everyone loved it. We held a few more “practice” parties and then we were off and running. Our first “real” party was in May 2009 and we’ve been going ever since. A lot has happened since that first party, so Ill spend the next few posts covering some of the highlights between now and then.